English epithet

The epithet – is a means of expression, based on the allocation of the quality characteristic of the described phenomenon, which is issued in the form of attribute words or phrases describing this phenomenon from the perspective of the individual perception of the phenomenon. The epithet is always subjective, he always has an emotional meaning or emotional. The emotional significance in the epithet may accompany the subject-Boolean value, or exist as a single value in the word. The epithet is considered by many researchers as the main means of asserting individual, subjective-evaluative attitude to the described phenomenon. By epithet achieved the desired reaction to the statement by the reader.


Indeed, in such combinations as  there is an element of the approval of individual feeling, the subjective assessment of the described phenomena. In the example destructivecharmsprilagatelnoe destructivepomimo its subject-logical importance and emotional, because it reveals the author’s attitude to the action charms. On the other hand, in conjunction glorioussightepitet gloriouspoteryal its subject-logical meaning and has only emotional significance – conveys admiration. Combining encouragingsmilepokazyvaet use of the adjective in its subject-logical meaning, which, however, has certain emotional coloring.

In the English language, as well as in other languages, the frequent use of adjectives to specific defined creates a stable combination. Such combinations are gradually frazeologiziruyutsya, t. E. Converted into phraseological units. Epithets like assigned to certain words. For example, in English, such combinations as deep feelings  many others are commonly used phrases. They feature the epithet several changes: the epithet still performs its basic stylistic feature – identify individual evaluative attitude to the subject of the author’s thoughts. But to express this relationship the author does not create its own, so to speak, creative epithets, and enjoys such that because of the frequent use of steel “props” means of expression in the general treasury of the language. Therefore, adjectives can also be divided into language and speech. Adjectives used as language epithets gradually lose their subject-Boolean value and more spliced ​​with his determined. The process for fixing epithets specified as sometimes goes so far as to turn irreducible phraseological units, which identify and define merge into one concept, for example, truelove, darkforesti others.

In such combinations are called epithets constant epithets (fixedepithets). Most often permanent epithets found in folk poetry orally. On the gradual loss of the main objective significance in the epithet also wrote Veselovsky. He called this “forgetting” the real meaning of the epithet, and it stuck to defined – the process of “petrification.”

Epithets are a powerful tool in the hands of the writer to create a necessary emotional background of the narrative; they are designed for a certain reaction of the reader.