There are many classifications of proofreading. First of all, slogans can be divided into two main groups: the slogans and corporate trademarks. Trade proofreading work for brands: advertise goods and services that are sold to the final consumer. They are used in advertising sales, which is aimed at the consumer in order to induce him to direct purchase of the object of advertising.
Corporate proofreading work on branding, the object of which are public and private organizations. The objective of this advertising is not directly encourage the buyer to buy goods, and create a positive image of the object of advertising. The differences between corporate and product proofreading caused by various objects advertising. Organizations that work with corporate slogans themselves less personable, unlike their products. Usually – these are large companies and holdings, which are difficult to associate with a product or subject. Unlike corporations, consumer products (brands) are very specific and are a definite, visible and tangible object. Another principle is the classification of the range of use of proofreading. Proofreading wide application – designed for long-term advertising campaigns, which include many different forms of advertising exposure (television, radio, outdoor and print advertising).
Proofreading narrow application – designed for a much smaller range of impact and duration. Basically it or outdoor advertising or radio advertising. Proofreading wide application should be universal. They must equally impressive look and act, in spite of the format. Proofreading narrow application depend strongly on the image and without practically do not exist, so there is only in printed form. Also proofreading can be classified by the type of product being advertised. Goods can be can be rational and emotional. Almost all high-tech products are the first group.
By the emotional group includes goods whose role – to make an impression on buyers. It should be emphasized one more classification: the duration of the use of advertising proofreading are divided into strategic and tactical. First designed for a long or even on all the time, as long as there is a brand. In turn, the tactical proofreading associated with seasonal changes: sales, collections, exhibitions. American theorist advertising R. Reeves introduced the classification of such a term as proofreading slogan vampire. It is a slogan that says nothing about the product while taking a useful attention to themselves. Too bright, beautiful and catchy slogan completely pulls the attention of the consumer, while the brand itself remains completely unnoticed. As a result, customers will remember the slogan itself, not the brand, because between them there is no any connection up the world with us! – Discover the world with us! (corporate slogan of “Eurasia-Tour”).
Thus, there are four independent classification of advertising proofreading . Consequently, the classification of the advertising proofreading can be represented as follows:
1. depending on the advertised goods are divided into trade and corporate
2. the duration of the use of proofreading are divided into strategic and tactical
3. on the range of use: proofreading, wide and narrow application
4. by type of product advertised with proofreading distinguish rational and emotional focus.