A special role in the literary language

A special role in the literary language, its literary and variety of books (in writing the type of speech), a play on words and phraseological combinations, known as poetic style. Under this concept is often fed the words high, solemn coloring. The term “poeticism” shows the limitations of the use of words a certain style of language, namely the artistic style of speech.

The contrast between the language of prose poetry, language is not in terms of rhythmic-phonetic and figurative features of each of these kinds of literary language, but in terms of a particular dictionary, supposedly inherent in poetry has a historical and literary tradition.

The special vocabulary and phraseology of poetry, which, supposedly, is designed to maintain a special aura of poetry, has a tendency to break away from the commonly understood vocabulary of the national language. Poetry from the time of classicism in England considered the representatives of the bourgeois-aristocratic circles as an art for the few, for the elite. This poetry has put forward a number of canons, which are a kind of mandatory rules, we had to follow the poets. Among those canons, perhaps the most important was considered a special usage. Frozen images, conditional morphological interpretation of conventional notions of reality required by the language of poetry traditional epithets archaic vocabulary, idiomatic stamps.

Poeticisms represent reservoir heterogeneity words of modern English language, including, and archaisms that animates the poets in particular stylistic tasks (see., Eg, the use of words such as whilome, ne, lemani many others in the first stanza of the first song “Childe Harold.” These archaic poetic style are outdated for the modern English forms, such as forms of the 3rd person singular present of time

no -eth (casteth) and words, one of the values ​​which are out of date. For example, vpredlozhenii «Deserted is my own good hall, its hearth is desolate» (G. Byron. Child
) – The word “hall” is set palace- Palace, the castle, the house – a value that is now archaic.

A few examples of the most common English poetic style. Nouns: billow (wave), swain (peasant), main (sea). Adjectives: yon (there), staunch (firm), hallowed (holy). Verbs: quit (leave), fare (walk), trow (believe). Предпочтительноупотребляютсясильныеформыпрошедшеговремени: wrought (worked), bade (bid), clad (clothed). Adverbs: haply (perhaps), oft (often), whilome (formerly). Pronouns: thee, ye, aught (anything), naught (nothing). Unions: albeit’although), ere (before) o’er (over), and others.

In addition to the archaisms poetic style are the words that, because of the frequent use of poetry, did not archaisms, t. E. Not become obsolete in its use, and crystallized as a specific poetic terminology. In other words, they can be regarded as poetic terms. These words should be attributed bardpoet words, woegore, billowvolna, steedi chargerkon and others.

By poetic style can be attributed to some dialectal words, such as the past participle of the verb – shend- shentv value lost, dishonored, ruined; or restv dialectal meaning stop, stop, for example: “… whereheshall

The poetry of the first half XVI third person verbs in the indicative date to the end commonplace than in the prose of the same period. Wilde believes that the use of forms in -s
It was dictated by considerations of rhythm in poetry. And so the use of forms on -eth
in modern poetry is also determined by the requirements of rhythm. It seems wrong that explanation; if in some cases the use of a particular form and was associated with rate requirements, it does not define a general trend to use one or another form. More plausible is the idea that the use of a rare, infrequent forms motivated by a desire to give a special poetic language elation and solemnity.

Next, you must include a poetic style and words that can be called rare-Used. This is usually a word borrowed from the different periods of French, Latin and others. Languages, such as, robe, garment, apparel, adieu, joyaunce, pleasaunces, reverie, circumambient, matin, perchancei others.

It is also necessary to include the poetic style and some neologisms by classic English poetry and remaining in their individual use. Most often it is difficult words. Here are a few examples of the difficult words of Byron: goar-faced, dew-drops, sea-mew, long-reluctant, wave-reflected, dark-glancing (daughters), sea-girt (citadel), blood-red, awe- struck (world) and many others.

Poetic style and poetic phraseology is also referred to words and phrases, resulting display periphrastic reality.

The scope of the use of poetic style is not all poetry is the national English language, and poetry of certain literary trends, certain historical stages of development of the literary language. The greatest use of poetic style we have seen in the literary currents of classicism and romanticism. That is why the classicists regarded poetry as “the art for the elite,” and that it contains specific words that support the poetic tradition of classicism, is the norm. Romantic poet not only enjoy the poetic style, received “inherited” from the poet-classicists, but to develop and enrich the vocabulary of the English language the new poetic style.

In the works of poetry, classicism and romanticism poetic words and expressions often perform the function of stylistic ornaments language poetry. However, every poet poetic style function depends on the content of the statements. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify common functional features of poetic style. For example, the Romantics poetic style functions are in general according to their world view, their main ideological and literary aspirations. Poeticisms romantics contribute to the identification of the mood of the poet, which is characterized by withdrawal from reality, solitude, titanic, loneliness and so on. N.

The following two stanzas of Byron’s poem “Childe Harold” selected us italicized words and phrases may serve to illustrate the poetic style typical of the beginning of XIX century the English romantics.